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down wash中文是什么意思

用"down wash"造句"down wash"怎么读"down wash" in a sentence


  • 冲刷物
  • 下冲气流
  • 下溜
  • "down"中文翻译     down3 n. 1.(装被、褥等用的)鸭绒 ...
  • "wash"中文翻译    vt. 1.洗,洗涤。 2.洗掉,洗去 (off; ou ...
  • "wash down" 中文翻译 :    边冲边下; 冲掉; 冲洗, 吞下; 洗掉; 咽下; 用开水等吞下
  • "induced down-wash" 中文翻译 :    诱导下洗
  • "rate of change in down-wash" 中文翻译 :    下洗变化率
  • "to wash down deck" 中文翻译 :    洗甲板
  • "to wash down with wine" 中文翻译 :    喝着酒而吃下
  • "wash (something) down with a drink" 中文翻译 :    配饮料吃(某物)
  • "wash down a pill with water" 中文翻译 :    用开水吞服药丸
  • "wash down gravel pack" 中文翻译 :    下冲洗砾石充填
  • "wash down pump" 中文翻译 :    冲洗泵
  • "wash down spear" 中文翻译 :    水力打捞矛
  • "wash-down closet" 中文翻译 :    下冲式便桶
  • "wash-down method" 中文翻译 :    边冲边下管法; 边冲边下钻具法
  • "wash-down pipe" 中文翻译 :    冲洗管
  • "wash-down water" 中文翻译 :    冲洗水; 洗井水
  • "wash-down wc pan" 中文翻译 :    冲落式坐便器
  • "wash-down type water closet" 中文翻译 :    冲落式坐便器
  • "by wash" 中文翻译 :    排水管沟
  • "the wash" 中文翻译 :    进行式; 洗车房的故事; 洗车行
  • "wash" 中文翻译 :    Wash, the 沃希湾〔英国东部 Norfolk 与 Lincolnshire 两郡之间的海湾〕。 vt. 1.洗,洗涤。 2.洗掉,洗去 (off; out); 洗净,洗清;【矿物】洗(矿),冲洗,冲选。 3.(雨露)滋润;(浪)冲击。 4.〔主用被动语态〕冲走,冲垮 (away; off, along; up; down); 冲刷,冲蚀。 5.薄薄着色于;薄薄镀(金等)于。 The rose is washed with dew. 蔷薇有露水滋润。 A district washed by the sea 沿海地区。 The bridge was washed away. 桥被冲走了。 The walls washed with blue 淡淡地刷上蓝色的墙壁。 A gold washed cup 镀金杯子。 vi. 1.洗(脸、手等),洗身体,洗澡。 2.洗衣服(等)。 3.可洗,经洗。 4.〔口语〕(话等)可靠,过硬,经得住考验。 5.冲洗,哗啦哗啦地冲击。 W- before dinner. 吃饭前洗手。 This cloth wash well [won't wash ]. 这布经洗[不经洗]。 That story won't wash. 那段话靠不住。 (be) washed out 褪了色的;筋疲力尽的;失败了的;形容憔悴的;被冲蚀的。 Be washed up 〔美俚〕筋疲力竭的,失败了的;终止了的,断绝了的。 W- and Use [Wear] 〔商业用语〕洗后不烫即平,免烫 (= wash-wear)。 Wash against 洗,洗刷,冲洗。 Wash down 洗掉;冲进,冲下。 Wash for a living 做洗衣生意。 Wash one's dirty linen at home [in public] 〔美国〕掩藏[暴露]家丑。 Wash one's hands 1. 洗手;〔委婉语〕上厕所。 2. 洗手不干,断绝…的关系 (of)。 Wash oneself 洗澡。 Wash out 1.vt. 漱(口);〔美国〕(洪水)冲走;〔美俚〕淘汰,剔除,排斥,丢掉。 2.vi. 颜色被洗掉,洗去;(铁路等)被冲走。 Wash up 1. 洗(手、碗碟)。 2. 〔美口〕洗手不干,不再过问。 n. 1.洗濯,洗涤;【矿物】洗矿,冲选; 〔the wash〕 〔集合词〕洗濯物。 2.〔the wash〕 奔流;(浪的)冲洗,冲击;波浪声;(船、飞机驶过后的)尾流;涡流;〔美国〕浅水湾;(常受涝害的)低湿地;〔美西部〕干河床。 3.冲击物,冲积土,污泥。 4.(厨房的)泔水〔猪的食料〕;稀薄的食物。 5.洗涤剂;化妆水;(涂墙面的)水泥浆。 6.淡彩,淡涂;金属涂覆,(金等的)薄镀。 7.无聊话,废话。 This soup is mere wash. 这汤淡得没味儿。 Come out in the wash 〔俚语〕暴露,真相大白。 Get a wash 洗。 Hang out the wash 〔美俚〕降落伞兵。 Send to the wash 送去洗。 Stand wash 经洗。 -able adj. 经洗的
  • "wash in" 中文翻译 :    加梢角; 内洗
  • "wash the" 中文翻译 :    沃什湾
  • "wash-in" 中文翻译 :    加梢角; 内洗
  • "and down" 中文翻译 :    你是否低落


  • Emulation results show that guided missile ' s fly situation and its initial trajectory have influence by the down wash
  • The down wash flow has been mainly studied in its forming and its model , and also the its distribute is given under terms with helicopter hang and park or low - speed flying , for offering the basis of next research on the down wash flow ' s influence of the guided missile launching
  • Thirdly , the air - air missile ' s model is studied , and set up guided missile motion equations that passes through the area of the down wash . using the preceding down wash distributing data , the fly situation and orbit changes in initial stages of the guided missile launch have been studied
  • Emulation results show that the supposed attack system can rapidly trace the motion target to satisfy the launching condition , attack the target successfully and display the launch process under the wing down wash . it offers better emulation foundation for improving the percentage of hits and fight accurately
用"down wash"造句  


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